Three Fourths


The School year is soon coming to an end, this past eight weeks may have been stressful, frustrating and annoying, despite all the setbacks I still thoroughly enjoyed this year’s lessons. Although the lessons were fun, I wouldn’t say it’s easy, after all nothing in this life is easy, only hardships.

For this quarter’s ICT lessons, it’s about research, and I am not happy about this, although it is far easier than our normal research subject as we are able to choose between categories. Despite this, I am so tried of research, and I don’t write want to write essays upon essays. Although I am quite glad it isn’t as complicated as our main research subject and we can use an easier method for conducting research.

Moving on, I will carry all the learnings taught to me during this quarter of the School Year all throughout my journey as a student


  1. Congrats Jimmy! for making it through the third academic quarter. Goodluck for the upcoming quarter

  2. Congratulations Buddy, Good Luck on the Last Quarter.

  3. One more quarter, Jimmy. Goodluck!!

  4. I'm glad you made it through another quarter.

  5. Another fourth added, add another 1/4 to fully complete the race!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Congrats, jimmy! Good Luck for this Last Quarter!


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