My Reflection


My 1st quarter experience in this subject ICT, I learned a lot about the development of the Internet and in how to create a blog and in how to manage it. I enjoyed making a blog and I made a lot of it.

The difficulties I've faced include having a lot to memories of all the informations i need for our quizes. When I was making my draft, I got a hard time to think of what I would put in my blog. 

I put a lot of effort into my studies. I also organize my time well in order to have a free time for myself too. Regardless of having a lot of activities in our school, I make a time for my responsibilities in our house too, like doing house chores and babysitting my younger sister who is 2 years old.

I'll continue to put a lot of effort in my studies and to be active in our school. I'll also continue to manage my time well and to not waste it. 


Femflection (2018) Self-Reflection my greatest asset.


  1. Hello, nice work in the 1st quarter I know you did your very best I hope you will continue what you are doing and goodluck.


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