
Showing posts from January, 2023

What I have Learned

  To be honest, 1st qt of ICT is harder than 2nd qt. I really enjoyed this quarter and at the same time I learned a lot from it. Especially in HTML coding, at first it was really hard and confusing for me. But when Ma'am thought us everything we need to make a simple HTML file with tags in it. I learned how to make a tag, the two types of tags, making an html. I also learned that once u put a different character, the tag's purpose that you want will not work. And when making an HTML file, we must be alert and it is important to know the different tags and its function.  REFERENCE: EDMENTUM(2017) 5 Classroom Activities to Help Students Reflect on Learning.

Happy-happy New Year!!!

  The night of New Year's Eve, my family and I gathered at my grandparents' house. We spent the evening cooking a delicious feast together, playing games, and sharing stories. As midnight approached, we counted down the seconds and cheered as the clock struck twelve. The sound of fireworks filled the air, and we all hugged and wished each other a happy New Year. We continued to celebrate into the early hours of the morning, dancing to music and enjoying each other's company. The next day, we took a walk in the nearby park and had a picnic together. It was a wonderful way to start the new year, surrounded by the people I love most. Overall, my New Year celebration with my family was a time of joy, laughter, and memories that will last a lifetime. REFERENCE: parade(2023) It's Out With the Old and in With the New—50 New Year Wishes to Share for 2023!

EstudyanTREPRENEUR 2022

Since the EstudyanTREPRENEUR opened, a lot of students went to the bazaar. Me and my friends also visited the bazaar and I saw a lot of stalls which contains the different parts of the T.L.E. (Technology and Livelihood Education) I visited the Cookery booth, the Carpentry booth, the Massage Services booth, the ICT booth, and the Plants booth.     When I visited the Cookery I saw the Cookery students that are wearing complete cooking uniform. And doing proper hygiene for the consumer's safety.     When I participated this event, I learned few things. I learned how important the knowledge we get from the TLE subject which covers livelihood lessons and also in technology.     The bazaar is full of simple businesses and all has different things in it. And this bazaar gives the students an idea of running a business like.

Merriest Christmas!!!

  I woke up early on Christmas morning and rushed to the living room to see what Santa had brought me. The tree was beautifully decorated with twinkling lights, and presents were piled high under it. After opening our gifts, we all sat down to a delicious breakfast together. My mom made her famous eggnog pancakes, and the smell of bacon and freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Later that day, we went caroling in the neighborhood with friends and sang our favorite Christmas songs. The chill in the air made our cheeks rosy, and we felt the joy and warmth of the season. In the evening, we had a big family dinner, with all of our relatives gathered around the table. We shared stories, laughed, and reminisced about past Christmases. As the night came to a close, we sat by the fireplace, sipping hot cocoa and listening to Christmas music. I felt so grateful for my family and the memories we created together. This Christmas experience will always be special to me, and I will always treasure