2 Year Homeschooled


Way back 2020, we unexpectedly experienced a global pandemic Covid-19. At first I felt relieved because of the 2 weeks suspension of classes. I also wished that the suspension would be extended so that I can do the things I want like playing online games with my friends. There was the time me and my family realized that the lockdown is getting too long, I got scared I thought I can't g outside again because of the ECQ protocols, I thought the ECQ will be the permanent new normal protocol for the whole nation. But few months have passed, modular learning started and I am still not ready to study at that time, so I got super stressed at the first 2 weeks of modular learning. 

In my modular learning life, it became hard for me. There was the times I can't understand the lessons because there wasn't enough information inside the module. And I only use mobile data that time, unfortunately the signal inside my house was so weak, so I must do my modules outside so that I can get the signal I need, to play videos about the lessons I can't understand. The 7  days of answering my weekly modules is not even enough for me. So sometimes, I pass my modules late. And then, there was the time I found out the cause of getting late in passing my modules was my unproductive and unorganized way of managing my time. I realized I didn't  manage my time wisely before. I don't wake up early and when I  wake up, I don't do house chores nor the task given in my modules. I rather play online games until noon. I do my modules at night until midnight, my body clock was ruined and my study habits is not productive anymore. So I tried to fix my time management, at first it was hard for me. But time have passed, I finally fixe my management of my time. Because of this, I can now have free times. And used my free times productive by doing cycling and home workouts too.

The 2 year pandemic has an up and downs for me. In the upside, I learned a lot of things that I need in life. I fixed my immature self  and became more responsible as a child and a brother for my siblings. 


Novotny (2022) 13 Ways to Study at Home Without Going Crazy.



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