
Showing posts from May, 2023

Change Starts with ME

  We all want to see change in the world. We want to see less poverty, less hunger, less war, and more peace. We want to see a world where everyone has access to education, healthcare, and opportunity. The truth is, change starts with us. It starts with each individual making a commitment to make a difference. It starts with each of us choosing to be the change we want to see in the world. There are many small things we can do to make a difference. We can volunteer our time to a local charity. We can donate to a cause we care about. We can recycle and conserve energy. We can be kind and compassionate to others. These small acts of kindness may seem insignificant, but they can have a big impact. They can inspire others to make a difference as well. And when enough people make a difference, it can create real change in the world. So don't wait for someone else to make the change you want to see. Start with yourself. Be the change you want to see in the world. REFERENCE: teepublic(202

Mothers Day

 Mother's Day is a special day to celebrate the love and sacrifice of our mothers. It is a time to show our appreciation for everything they have done for us, from raising us to teaching us right from wrong.  Mothers are the most selfless people in the world. They put their children's needs before their own, and they would do anything to protect them.  They are always there for us, no matter what. Mothers make many sacrifices for their children. They give up their time, their money, and their energy to make sure their children have the best possible life. They work hard to provide for their children, and they never complain.  Mothers are our biggest supporters. They are always there to cheer us on, no matter what we do. They believe in us, even when we don't believe in ourselves. We are so lucky to have mothers in our lives. They are our best friends, our confidants, and our mentors. They teach us how to be kind, compassionate, and responsible adults. REFERENCE: Easy Drawin

Labor Day

Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States that is celebrated on the first Monday of September. It is a day to honor the contributions of working people to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the country.  The holiday was first celebrated in 1882, and it was originally called "Labor Day Decoration Day." The name was changed to "Labor Day" in 1894.  Labor Day is a time to reflect on the history of the labor movement and the many gains that have been made for working people over the years. It is also a time to celebrate the hard work and dedication of working people today.  There are many ways to celebrate Labor Day. Some people choose to attend parades or festivals. Others choose to spend time with family and friends. Still others choose to volunteer their time to help others.  No matter how you choose to celebrate Labor Day, it is important to take some time to reflect on the importance of working people and the contributions they make to our societ

Three Fourths

  The School year is soon coming to an end, this past eight weeks may have been stressful, frustrating and annoying, despite all the setbacks I still thoroughly enjoyed this year’s lessons. Although the lessons were fun, I wouldn’t say it’s easy, after all nothing in this life is easy, only hardships. For this quarter’s ICT lessons, it’s about research, and I am not happy about this, although it is far easier than our normal research subject as we are able to choose between categories. Despite this, I am so tried of research, and I don’t write want to write essays upon essays. Although I am quite glad it isn’t as complicated as our main research subject and we can use an easier method for conducting research. Moving on, I will carry all the learnings taught to me during this quarter of the School Year all throughout my journey as a student